We provide consultation and purchasing help whenever you are thinking about buying Macintosh equipment or software.
When you’re ready to decide what to buy, where to get it and how to get the most out of your budget, we provide complete purchasing advice. We’ll ask and answer lots of questions, like: What kind of computer is appropriate for each user? How much RAM do you need? How big should the hard drive be? You want a color printer, but which one? Do you need to upgrade your network? Do you need a network at all?
And what about software? Will your existing software run on the new computers? Is there software that's better/cheaper/more appropriate for your needs?
We'll give you the information you need to make these decisions. We can give you a recommendation for a single computer or an entire office.
Honest Advice. Sometimes it's hard to tell beforehand whether an upgrade is worth the cost. It's possible that a replacement makes more sense and saves more money than fixing something old. In other cases, it's better to wait a while for the next version before making the jump. Sometimes all you need to double your performance is a RAM upgrade. We give honest advice not driven by the desire to sell parts or products. So you can count on us to help you to get the most from your money.
If you consult with us in advance of making a purchase or installing a new program, you will avoid buying something incompatible with your hardware or existing software.
In short, consulting with us in advance will save you a great deal of trouble and money later on.